11 posts
2 things: might just be me, but the new messages counter still displayed zerowhen I had a new pm. I noticed this from my iPod touch (that I'm posting from now). So the cache was clean. 2nd problem (and for me personally it's a big one), the new post button when viewing the forum on an iPhone or iPod touch DOES NOT follow the forum as you scroll meaning not only does it appear under the 1st post and stay thre, but the text box (like right now for example) obstructs the first two posts. This -for me - is a major issue as ALL of my clients are iPhone/iPod touch customers. Oh and just spotted iPhone/iPod touch issue 3: if I try and use the exclimation mark icon it will simply push me out of my text box to the top of the forum again. :(
Thought u all might appreciate the feedback.
iPhone/iPod touch issue 5789: once a post is made it doesn't auto add itself. Instead, you have to re-enter the topic to view it.
Oh and one extra bit of feedback before I forget: the drill-down for the boards to topic at the top is going form right to left. Any chance of being able to have it going from left to right as for westerners using forums it's infinitely more natural to read.
Ok, I'm back on my PC now (using firefox). The iphone/ipod touch issues might be a Safari browser issue, so I'll test it on my Hackintosh later on. Here's the images I took from my touch of the problem I described in my last post:

And yea, the ! button on a touch/iphone does force the browser window to insta-skip to the top of the forum again. I have NO idea why that button does that (but it definitely does)! Looks like most of my testing will be on my touch and iphone (as that's who my product is aimed at).
New Bug: I installed a 'Mod Bar' board on my forum and then made it accessable to Global Moderators only. So I logged out to make sure it wasn't visible to guests and it wasn't. So as my UN/PW was already saved in the fields I clicked on 'Stay Logged In' and then Log In. It just doesn't log in anymore and spits me back to the main page not logged in! *update* Yea, even after a full forced refresh I still can't re-log back into my forum again! Must be some sort of cookies issue. I'll clear them out to see if it makes a difference, but that defanitely needs sorting as once you've done what I've done, you can't re-log back in again! :(
*edit 2* Yep, you HAVE to delete your cookies and re-log in to fix the problem I mention above.
Also, where in the HELL are the smilies when making a post!? I can't find them!
Thought u all might appreciate the feedback.
iPhone/iPod touch issue 5789: once a post is made it doesn't auto add itself. Instead, you have to re-enter the topic to view it.
Oh and one extra bit of feedback before I forget: the drill-down for the boards to topic at the top is going form right to left. Any chance of being able to have it going from left to right as for westerners using forums it's infinitely more natural to read.
Ok, I'm back on my PC now (using firefox). The iphone/ipod touch issues might be a Safari browser issue, so I'll test it on my Hackintosh later on. Here's the images I took from my touch of the problem I described in my last post:

And yea, the ! button on a touch/iphone does force the browser window to insta-skip to the top of the forum again. I have NO idea why that button does that (but it definitely does)! Looks like most of my testing will be on my touch and iphone (as that's who my product is aimed at).
New Bug: I installed a 'Mod Bar' board on my forum and then made it accessable to Global Moderators only. So I logged out to make sure it wasn't visible to guests and it wasn't. So as my UN/PW was already saved in the fields I clicked on 'Stay Logged In' and then Log In. It just doesn't log in anymore and spits me back to the main page not logged in! *update* Yea, even after a full forced refresh I still can't re-log back into my forum again! Must be some sort of cookies issue. I'll clear them out to see if it makes a difference, but that defanitely needs sorting as once you've done what I've done, you can't re-log back in again! :(
*edit 2* Yep, you HAVE to delete your cookies and re-log in to fix the problem I mention above.
Also, where in the HELL are the smilies when making a post!? I can't find them!
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